Conversation Between Monol and Quindiana Jones

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey a fellow harlequin sig guy...
    You sent me a random poem...And by ceasers garb I shall do the same!

    Powerful magnum
    graze through the fire
    push your withered smoke stack a wee bit higher
    higher jackolantern higher higher
    all the treaters come and devour
    please mommy please mommy let this be the hour
    you know you cant hear where the dead walk near
    with your hand on your rifle and your arm at the rear
    bring up the lead and site in the scope
    let no beast look to the sky with hope
    trick or treat monsters say your goodbyes
    bid your way back to the lord of flies
    Done and done, lots of fun
    hahahaha boy what a scene
    cleansing the dead on halloween
  2. Oh resha can you not see?
    That we live in a land of misery.
    People suffering left and right.
    It just isn't right.
    But one of the worst lives is mine.
    I suffer daily and every time.
    I cry for freedom I cry for help.
    Yet my calls are not answered.
    But you Resha you are my light.
    So shine on my life and let me fight.
    And we shall go to lands unknown.
    Hand in hand with a lovers bond.
    Do you wish this or do you not?
    Do you want to save me?
    If you do then take my hand.
    And my misery shall be banned.
    So come Resha do you accept me?
    As your soul mate to make life an ease.
    Or shall you banish my heart to misery.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2