Conversation Between NeoCracker and Alive-Cat

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Just once though so that like, every time I was ever mad after that I could just relive the initial memory
  2. Have you ever been so mad you could punch a baby?
  3. Glad to have helped you clear that up.
  4. I think you've hit the nail on the head why sometimes in my life people have not liked me!
  5. ...Yeah, a face of love or addoration would have only added to the sarcastic tone. It's kind of like the opening lyrics of Rigth Thoughts beings sung in a pretty up beat voice to an up beat tune.

    "Almost everything, is nearly forgiven~"
  6. It should be video clips for the next ones, my expression is one of pure love and adoration! My username should be A Love Man. Remember that
  7. I thought that might be the case, but it doesn't stop it from sounding hilariously dickish.
  8. The weirdest thing is, it wasn't intended to sound like that if it did! For all the speeches I did, especially the Cid's Knight one, although I was being over the top dramatic about the importance of the award, I really was being completely sincere and honest with everything I was saying too! It wasn't sarcastic or anything.

    I love the Cid's Knights like they are all my brothers and sisters. See? It's weird because even though it's not true I actually mean it I love them, I love you, we've hardly ever spoke, it's crazy I'm crazy oohhh my goooodddddd
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