Conversation Between Jiro and Sephex

166 Visitor Messages

  1. Sagalicious is truly the way to be.
  2. Sage words from Roberto Einstien.
  3. Do or do not, there is no try.

    Oh smurf yoda man he pre-emptively attacked me
  4. But it is good that you try!
  5. I always try to do a word of the day thing but then I forget and feel like a failure
  6. Relishment. That is the word of the day! Also, I agree.
  7. You know I was thinking of doing almost a mockumentary. Except not quite. Like I want it to be a comedic documentary with slight embellishment because no story is complete without embellishment. Just like not hotdog is complete without relishment.
  8. That title sounds like a hard hitting documentary!
  9. Austramericanism. Uhhh. I too, am not good with titles.
  10. I like it. It can be called, "The American and the Australian." I am not good with titles.
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 166