Conversation Between Ace14 and Arc_Master_14

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. If you randomly decide to get on here again HI!
  2. I do

    and that's a great reason for you to tell me if he's hot
  3. Who cares.
  4. that's always fun

    is it hot? >.>

    haha jk...or am i? >.>
  5. Oh I dont have to do your sig anymore YAY! lol and my cousin is here who just came out ya and we're playing Halo
  6. How can you possibly still be on here when you're obviously not on aim?

    Even though I am...but that's not the point :O
  7. nuh uh so not true!!

    ...okay maybe >.>
  8. He's cooler than you and you just can't stand that
  9. bwahaha i just broke your talking streak with sagensyg

  10. You never give me a user note, gimme one!! :kaoangry:
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 27
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