Conversation Between Pike and Pumpkin

180 Visitor Messages

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  1. oh thank you!
  2. I don't know of a weight loss website that does that - I do know of a productivity website that does! It's called HabitRPG.
  3. What was the weightloss website that treats it like a video game or whatever it was
  4. Hahaha xD
  5. I am learning Spanish

    very slowly

    Also trying to teach sharky French. I'm not a great teacher though . He basically knows I love you and the penguin goes moo (long story)
  6. German, I got distracted though xD
  7. What Duolingo language were you learning?
  8. That's always a good way to get stuff done xD
  9. Hahaha I just got bored!
  10. Hope I didn't bug you with my article comment. Your articles are really funny

    What suddenly gave you so much inspiration?
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 180
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