Conversation Between Fynn and Wolf Kanno

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. A moogle who really tries to appear surly but ultimately fails
  2. A Surly Moogle
  3. Like a moogle.
  4. Still... "Fluffy"
  5. Well, I try to be a writer. Creative is kinda what I'm supposed to be
  6. I don't think I've ever been described like that before.
  7. Dude, you're like the fluffiest guy I know.
  8. I'm always concerned I'm too mean spirited when giving criticism.
  9. Ah, Tuxedo Mask! Looking dashing

    And man, I can take criticism Especially since I distinctly remember you having some degree of faith in that project anyway
  10. No, but it was the only first chapter of something you wrote that I was critical on.
Showing Visitor Messages 6051 to 6060 of 6688