Conversation Between Ultima Shadow and NeoCracker

497 Visitor Messages

  1. The 50% is only if the mother has and Ever stone apparently, though conveniently I do.

    Trying to catch me a female Adamant Scyther right now. (Playing through Platinum. )
  2. No, only the IV stats matter. The higher the IV stats of the parents, the more likely the child is to have high IV stats as well. But stats obtain through level ups and EV and such has no effect on it whatsoever.

    Also, a child pokemon that you get from an egg generally has higher IV stats than any pokemon that you randomly catch in the wild (but not always). There are calculators to figure out the IV stats of your pokemon based on their actual stats on level 5-ish combined with their nature (don't know if they hatch at level 1 or 5 in X/Y though). But yeah... if you can't be bothered with that, just settle for what would seem like good stats for those low levels and a desirable nature.

    The child also has a 50% chance of getting the same nature as... I think it was the mom, but it might have been the dad. Pretty sure it was the mom though.
  3. I'm not talking IV's mind you, just if higher level pokemon produce a stronger kid in general.
  4. You're the pokemon expert here, do the parents level and stats effect the strength of the offspring?
  5. Conviniently there's really only one save file I care about, the real issue would be when I replace it, I don't have the original HD for my current system since I lost track of it after upgrading to the 500GB, so I can't just trade this one in towards the new one, especially since I want to keep that HD.

    Ah well, I can get a new one, hopefully, this coming Tuesday.
  6. Will there be any way to save the savefiles and stuff though? I guess it would seriously suck to lose all saved data. =O

    Hope it just needs to be cleaned and the vacuum cleaner can fix it tomorrow or something, however unlikely that might be.
  7. Unless I'm really lucky and just need to clean out the fans, but the problem it's getting is pretty much garunteed that I would need to send it in to get it fixed, though it's cheaper to just up and buy a new system with how cheap a used one is now.

    Can't clean out the vents yet because my brothers asleep, and the way you are suppose to do it is use a vacuum cleaner.
  8. What? Seriously? Damn, that sucks!

    Haven't heard a lot about that happening to PS3's. Might it be possible to fix?
  9. And it would seem my PS3 just bricked.

  10. The woman at 1:30 had a quite appropriate reaction.
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 497