Conversation Between Bahamut2000X and Peegee

14 Visitor Messages

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  1. ninja attack!

  2. you should join our club.
  3. This sudden pikachu craze both confounds and terrifies me.

  4. you need to join the pikachu club ^_^

  5. It actually was. The pikachu toys in the car for example <(o'.'o)> ~ pika
  6. I knew it! All the signs were there in Chicago, I just never caught them. >.>

  7. sure! At least this way I can be the pokemon trainer or pikachu
  8. Your a nintendo Wii video game character who beats on other video game characters?? O.o

  9. I'm more of a brawler than a ninja =)
  10. Your azn. By default you are a ninja. =D
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
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