Conversation Between Fynn and Wolf Kanno

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. It looks rather simple compared to the earlier entries or main games, but I'll take what I can get. The wiki says it will be winter of 2016, so probably November.
  2. Yeah, can't wait to see how that will work in P5. And we still have no concrete release date for Apocalypse. They announced it'd be coming soon after you guys get it (and we're even supposed to get P5 on the same day as you), but still not official word on the exact date.
  3. I'm psyched it's coming back for P5. I also heard SMTIV: Apocalypse fixed them.
  4. Yes! Talking to demons I already had was definitely one of my favorite things to do
  5. Even grinding in games like SMT1 isn't so bad since auto-battle is blistering speed and you can talk demons into giving you loads of Magnetite and Macca if you ask. Hell, having the same demon in your party has them cough up some sweet items. My badass sword I just obtained came from a Purski who thanked me for taking care of his buddy. The sword had thirty more attack power than the sword I had.
  6. It's nice that newer SMT titles can strike this nice balance between still challenging and accessible and fluid grinding.
  7. Ain't that the truth. Though it's sometimes easier said than done in some installments.
  8. Yeah, grinding's never a bad idea in MegaTen
  9. It's been amusing and I always appreciate seeing Jack Frost and Pyro Jack. I'm still having some financial issues, as Serph is starting to get really expensive to teach skills to, so I'm grinding while I try to get Gale up to par with the rest of the team.
  10. Ooh, I loved the castle It had a cool atmosphere
Showing Visitor Messages 4201 to 4210 of 6688