Conversation Between Vermachtnis and Pumpkin

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. How does the new Fairy Fencer compare?
  2. Awesome, I'm looking forward to it when I can get the monies!
  3. Megadimension is a lot of fun. I'm really enjoying it, the battle system and story has been improved alot.
  4. How is Megadimension?
  5. Nice. Have fun.
  6. I just started Hyperdimension mk2
  7. Indeed, I'm playing it now! And Vert is my favourite CPU as well!
  8. Thanks, Vert's my favorite CPU. Isn't your avatar from Noire's game?
  9. ooh I love your little Very avatar
  10. Well I might like it if I COULD PLAY IT

    I'm not good at video games
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 24
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