Conversation Between dodhungry and theundeadhero

9 Visitor Messages

  1. You should post in the General Cha thread with all the other returning old members.
  2. *sweep, sweep, sweep sweep* Oh hey would you look at that found somebody else!? Errrm still needs more cleaning.......
  3. A little taco makes everything a lot better.
  4. you could use a little more taco in your life
  5. I like your avatar.
  6. Tacos are the first thing I'm going to eat once I return to the motherland.
  7. woot 3400!! I still havent recieved any cookies from these dang things yet............
  8. I didn't beat Meat Puppet, but I got here before Psychotic. Is that much of an accomplishment anymore?
  9. I am so confused...its the Lobsters fault oh and btw fish hate me
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9