Conversation Between Perducci and Christmas

76 Visitor Messages

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  1. Not yet, but maybe I will some time. :O
  2. That's ok! Real life commitments come first!!! Have you shared your views on Eyes on each other in the feedback forum?
  3. Yeah, had a lot of stuff to do and I've been working a bunch. I haven't really posted on here for a week or two - I should probably fix that haha
  4. Haha. but I guess the cost of using the puppets is higher.

    Been quite busy lately?
  5. Yeahhh, CGI looks good when a movie first comes out but after a few years it just looks stupid...
  6. Why? too much CGI?
  7. Not huge, but there are a few that I love. Evil Dead, Braindead, The Shining... Not really a big fan of most new horror stuff, though.
  8. I think I will!

    You're a big fan of horror movies?
  9. That's basically what Evil Dead is, you should definitely check it out!
  10. I prefer horror movies when it isn't about certain deaths to the characters like Final Destination. I prefer movies like The Conjuring where the characters get to fight the supernatural.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 76
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