Conversation Between m4tt and Loony BoB

6 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm pretty good, yeah. Still with Danielle (five years so far!) and are kind of "engaged to be engaged" - we know we are wanting to get engaged/married but are saving up first before we start any real planning. Otherwise, same old job, same old hobbies (eg. EoFF), same old me. Not much changes and I guess I like it that way. xD You be sure to stick around, now!
  2. I've been doing well, how you doin? Since you found me on PSN I've been meaning to peak in here but I never got around to it. I've been going on a major nostalgia trip lately. It's crazy to think I signed up here over 10 years ago and this place is still alive and kicking.
  3. Matty! *tacklehug* How've you been, man?
  4. Hi Daniel
  5. Miss you.
  6. ah wuv woo matty *snugglelove*
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6