Conversation Between Rodney and Vyk

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi, and thanks for the message. Glad you loved the concept art that I sent to you. And that Vyk is a werewolf, not a "wolfy." It's an homage to FF5, the only game to use that race.

    Yeah, I'm aware of the possibility of Square not wanting to pick up my FF game concept. I actually have two scripts set to the side -- one full of FF-based references, and one that doesn't include any in case I have turn to a separate company actually willing to option me.
  2. Just randomly perusing my old emails and clearing out junk and unread stuff and came across an email from you with a picture of the wolfy Vyktor guy. He looks freakin' awesome. Happy to share a namesake with him. Is the production going okay then? I'd honestly have my doubts for Square to pick up an indie game these days with their troubles. But if you've got enough worked out, I could see a good Kickstarter or IndieGoGo campaign working out
  3. Thanks! I really do! His full name's not Vykrom, though, if that's what you're wondering. It's Vyktor.
  4. Haha, how fitting, since it was off-handedly inspired by Final Fantasy. I'm glad you like it :P
  5. I see. Well, I asked largely because -- I know this sounds kinda dumb, but bare with me -- I'm writing a script for a new FF game to pitch to Square, and one of the main playable characters I named Vyk, actually directly inspired from your username. So I thought I'd give you a shout-out and ask about the name.
  6. It doesn't really come from anywhere. When I was a kid, watching my brother play the first Final Fantasy where you got to name the characters and it had to only be 4 letters long, he had two fighters named KRIM and KROM. I stole these and spiced them up as Qrynne and Vykrom. And Vykrom was my online alias for years, but of course everyone just called me Vyk. So eventually I just started registering at places with that name, as long as they allowed short 3-letter user-names :P Boring story though. But there's your answer
  7. I have to ask where you got the username from?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7