Conversation Between Decessus and kikimm

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. This is the size of your braaaiiin. Can you say:Minimum Wage?
  2. Beat them away with a broom, man
  3. Back in the middle east, we eat bricks on special occasions, like Hannukah.
  4. Yes, and the cure for aids as well.
  5. Your methods of pleasing disgusts me. Go die.
  6. You should change your name to Troy Time.
  7. GO GO DECESSUS POWER!!!1111234
  8. You must be related to Trey. Trey Time.
  9. My usernotes are the downfall of society --- What are your opinions on this.

    Not that I care.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
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