Conversation Between Decessus and Alive-Cat

7 Visitor Messages

  1. If you were to call me a "koo-koo", I would wonder what exactly your smoking and/or drinking.
  2. So. What would you say to me if I called you a "koo-koo"? I doubt it'd be something as explicit, and I highly doubt you could take revenge on me! I'm all set and in the green for this one!
  3. That tongue isn't worth the trouble of waiting for it.
  4. Decessus, where did you come from?
    How do I know my love for you isn't shallow?
    Can I burn you onto CD ROM?
    Why do you taint me, haunt me, to and throw?
  5. Well, it seems I've been missing something rather tasty haven't I? I'll be sure to down to mosey on down your alley your often, Decessus.
    You tiger, you.
  6. Your name reminds me of that doctor monkey from Planet of the Apes.
    Dr. Sayus.
    Dr. Sayus.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7