Conversation Between Decessus and oddler

72 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm glad that my intelligence was acknowledged, but seeing that it was a comment from you, people would think you're making a comparison to yourself, and think nothing special of it.
  2. Decessus is actually intelligent. I'm just making that clear to everyone, OK?
  3. oddler is a 45 year old, fat, bald, virgin in disguise.
  4. Get along, little doggy.
  5. You aren't too clever for a guy almost twice my age.
  6. oddler = fail. Get it right Maestro.
  7. I laughed out loud, dude who prays to an Englishman two. AHH... I never can get these trends right.
  8. CHRISTMAS posted in oddler's pathetic usernotes.
  9. Your so emotional, Rotoman!

    oddler = tomfool.
  10. Help me out, D-money. What does flummox mean?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 72
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