Conversation Between Decessus and Meat Puppet

87 Visitor Messages

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  1. Quote Originally Posted by Meat Slapper
    8 and a half, no thanks, outside your window
  2. asl?
  3. Not to me.
  4. Okay, I apologize, Meat Drummer.
    I have no idea what I'm apologizing for, but I'll do it anyway because I realize how sensitive you are.
  5. there were
  6. Apology accepted.
  7. I couldn’t help but notice that you are yet to apologize.
  8. Wait a minute --- are you saying you fondle yourself while you watch Conan?
  9. You're not a girl?! No, you must be lying! My life's dreams have just shattered before me.
  10. From all those sleepness nights spent fondling herself in the fedal position watching reruns of Jay Leno and thinking: "Why not me, Jay? Why not... Me...?".
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 87
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