Conversation Between Vikeve and Sergeant Hartman

164 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well hello there, late reply, needless to say I don't really come here anymore
  2. Yo
  3. I feel your pain
  4. I dunno I kinda just stick around this place isn't as fun anymore it's sad.=(
  5. ahh yes those were the days
  6. I can't find it and now I'm said cuz I was reading through my usernotes and my notes used to be alot more entertaining when Tempest and rocket edge posted like mad people with me and Owen too so now I'm sad but I've only scratched the surface of my memory!
  7. Yes! Now I'm confused too!
  8. It's like I almost know what your talking about something where I said I had some jacket and then I started saying some weird things I don't know exactly! I don't know where it is exactly either.
  9. keep looking!
  10. No don't I didn't forget it I simply misplaced it in my brain somewhere I'll find it. I searched through I a lot o my older usernotes to find it but I couldn't!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 164
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