Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. If they retained half the trout they had in DQVII for the remake, you may wish you had just stuck to the original six.
  2. That's good to hear. Helps you've ran out of numbered DQ games I guess.
  3. So the FF Marathon is back in action
  4. Believe in your muse spirit!
  5. Haha, I've seen that one Here's hoping!
  6. That's all you can hope for. Maybe you just need a Ku' u Lei to help you.
  7. Well, I'll see what works for me. Hopefully, no matter what happens with the music, I hope I can finally make progress.
  8. Well sometimes you have to just experiment. I'll think of a scene and then try to match it musically and that alone will get my writing itch going.
  9. Oh, yeah. That's a good one. Too bad I can't really find that playlist that puts me in the zone for that story. It's been so long since I've made decent progress there that I either can't remember the thing that psyched me up the most then, or I've listened to it so many times that it no longer does anything for me
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