Conversation Between Rebellious Eagle and Jiro

535 Visitor Messages

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  2. I will do my absolute best. YOU HAVE MY SWORD
  3. Well I'm up for anything! Show me the land of your people
  4. Yeah a lack of air conditioning is a pain but there's always the option of beaches (Mind you Brisbane is a bit sparse on the whole beach thing so we might have to take you to the nicer places)
  5. That's okay. I'm just dying of heat in my tiny un-air conditioned dorm room.
  6. Yeah you're not going to have any of those unless climate change steps up its game
  7. Cold to me would be snowing and blizzards and stuff so xD
  8. We have cool weather, probably not cold by your standards but cool at least xD
  9. You mean like going from hot to only slightly hot? xD
  10. There's distinction enough, but it'll take some getting used to xD
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