Conversation Between Unbreakable Will and Quindiana Jones

228 Visitor Messages

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  2. Tricks are pretty great! What about yourself dear Arthur?

    Also thanks! That looks like an excellent runnin regiment and a ballin look at different training exercises!
  3. Y'alright, you sexy bitch? How's tricks?

    In addition to saying hello, I'd also like to link you these: strength and fitness.

    Both very easy, and very effective. I've only been doing them for a short while, and I've already built my strength and endurance back up, as well as the obvious benefit of looking a lot better. Try 'em out, if you want ideas or anything.
  4. Quin you old bastard, how are you?
  5. What can I say? I'm pro.
  6. Indeed, good tactics. As much as I'd expect from Mace Quindu.
  7. Pssh. Force Push. Lightsaber Throw. Rinse and repeat.
  8. Lets hope they dont have any Left4Dead specials, it would be taxing to even a Jedi Master to take down a Tank or a Witch. If they do have them, you can be sure that Paul is a Boomer.
  9. One can hope! I wish I'd come back sooner. I could've helped out more haha.
  10. Those zombies won't stand a chance against our legions blaster and saber combos.
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