Conversation Between Electroshock Therapy and Ayen

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I was starting to think I was the only one who had the Origins port. I can't remember how far I got in my last playthrough of Final Fantasy. I know somewhere after you find Link's grave. I always enjoy having the Warrior, Red Mage, White Mage and Monk on my team. III's on the DS? Good to know, I should pick it up some time. I still need to play that and IV of the classics.

    Matt Smith was my first Doctor and Series 5 - 6 was my first exposure to the series and shaped it accordingly. I've enjoyed all the Doctors I've watched so far, though and go crazy for old Doctors whose episodes I haven't even watched yet.
  2. Hartnell is my absolute favourite. I can never get tired of him.

    I have I and II from the Origins collection on Playstation. I almost gave up on Final Fantasy during the infamous Elfheim grind. But somehow I pulled through and started to really enjoy it around the volcano dungeon. I thought FF II was a lot of fun, if really confusing at first. It impressed me how much it improved over the first. And I bought FF III for DS, and have played it twice now. Really good fun and awesome music!

    So who's your Doctor?
  3. William Hartnell is awesome! I fell in love with his performance as the Doctor the moment he started talking. I always been a fan of old black and white movies so going back to watch the old school Doctor Who was a real treat. I'm also always glad to meet another X fan.

    Also, what did you think of I - III and what did you play them on?
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