What it means to be an EoFFer
, 10-21-2012 at 08:15 PM (14564 Views)
You might not know me much, but I've been an EoFFer here since 2007. That seems like a world away, and I've matured plenty since I called myself "Balthier Rocks"
Seriously, that's just an awful name.
Anyway, due to unforeseen circumstances, I was torn away from my laptop for over a year, and during that time, I completely forgot all about EoFF. It's not that I didn't care for it, during my time as Balthier Rocks I made a few friends, and I like to think vaguely recognisable as a member.
But it just wasn't an indelible part of my life. And that's a good thing. No one wants to be severely depressed for not posting in a internet forum for a while, and if you do, then you need some serious help.
The thing is, is that while EoFF and other internet pages are not necessary for a wholesome and full life, it certainly helps.
"Well doctor, I just couldn't cope after my WOW subscription ended. I was heartbroken"
Human beings require social interaction; hell, we go nuts if we haven't spoken to people for even a few hours. All of this goes to explain why people go here. No one is forced to, but it really helps us interact with friends.
"But Formalhaut!" I hear you say. "Shouldn't we be talking to people in real life, rather than through a screen!"
You have a good point. In today's society, we have been disconnected with everyday contact. We text, call, look of EoFF. Everything we do today has something to do with technology. And it's so easy to misinterpret these electronic messages. As this cracked article writes, context gets lost.
Me: Hey, do you want me to bring over that leftover chili I made?
Him: No, thank you
According to the author, his friend often used "No, Thank you" when being ironic or sarcastic. His friend, as it turns out, had no room in his fridge.
At this point, you might be disheartened with the internet, but actually, on occasion, it can prove incredibly loving. The EoFF poster competition is proof of this.
Our EoFF family is a special family. We really care for each other. Just take a gander at the poster thread I mentioned above. Look at all the happy faces!
So what does it mean to be a EoFFer? Do I need EoFF in my life? Truthfully, no I don't, but then that's like saying I don't need meat in my life. I could be a vegetarian, but then I miss out on steak. And life just isn't worth living without steak.
Yeah, I'm comparing EoFF to a steak.
"This is the air I breathe! You don't understand!!"