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rubah's Precious Little Life

A Short Complaint

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I have three alarms set, about 15 minutes apart.

For the first one, I woke up and it was still night outside my window. I said 'wtf'

For the second, I woke up and it was DAWN RED in my kitchen (faces east). I said 'cool, but WTF'

For the third, I woke up, and it was actually darker looking than it was the second time. I said 'ugh, cloudy'

I am not getting up before sunrise. What is this . Go away, Daylight Savings Time. GO AWAY. I DO NOT WANT YOU ANYMORE. GWB WAS A TERRIBLE TERRIBLE MAN AND WE SHOULD NOT PUT UP WITH HIS NONSENSE ANYMORE.
Tags: school, sleep Add / Edit Tags
Personal Life


  1. Peegee's Avatar
    wait what's this about GWB? Blasted farmers :aimmad:
  2. rubah's Avatar
    GWB made it last like an extra month, two weeks on each end.
  3. Laddy's Avatar
    Why? Why would you have three alarms?
  4. rubah's Avatar
    I'm not sure. Usually it's just two. I may have hit a button to turn my phone to 'snooze', which makes an alarm 15 minutes later instead of dismissing the first alarm. And then I always set another one for half an hour later. It's easier for me wake up early that way!