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Red Mage Coffman

Game Collection expanded

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Well, I purchased Final Fantasy X, X-2, XII, Star Ocean: Second Evolution, and Prinny 2. The main focus is X and X-2. I'll be replaying them and recording stupid moments of both game. It'll be a tribute to how much I hate Tidus! No, its really just to see which one gives me a better experience. Wonder which will make me happier?


  1. Jiro's Avatar
    You'll have to record quite a bit of footage I imagine
  2. Red Mage Coffman's Avatar
    I know. It's always been a dream of mine to review games. Like, a badass webshow or something. I don't have the materials neccessary though. A Webcam, whatever the device is that records game footage as you play, and etc. I want to SO bad though. Put my critic skills to the test.