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To plume up my will in double knavery

Mafia is not as easy as I thought.

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Posting like not-me is harder than anticipated. I almost gave myself away by using the word "modicum."

Fancy words come naturally to me. I actually have to think to come up with sline words to use instead.
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  1. Goldenboko's Avatar
    My terrible grammer habits tend to give me away. :P
  2. Old Manus's Avatar
    i wish i was cool enough to use the word 'modicum'
  3. Jiro's Avatar
    Thanks to my virtue of not remembering who is who or what anybody's smurfing roles are, I'm having a fun time trying to deduce who is who and who is what myself.
  4. Hollycat's Avatar
    You didn't even post you dummy.
  5. Citizen Bleys's Avatar
    You are correct, HC. I did not post, using my EoFF account instead of my Mafia account, thereby instantly giving away my identity to the other players. You see, I have this rule: Before I do anything, I ask myself, "Would an idiot do that?" If the answer is yes, I do not do that thing.
  6. Hollycat's Avatar
    You misunderstand, I confused you and SD.