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what i have started to notice lately is that all the grocery stores in holland leave theire lights on after closing time.
it is kinda starting to annoy me becuas i really dont see the use of it :S

a view years ago when i was in england i ordered some chicken nuggets at the mcdonalds..
isntead of giving me the box with the nuggets they gave me the nuggets in a box in a bag while they knew i was going to eat it here. thats not verry efficient.

i know the reason behind the air in the chips bagg's...
but i compared lay's (the big complaint on the internet) with other brands and have come to the conclusion that they really over exaggerate it.
most of the brands seem 65-70% chips and the rest air.. lays seems to be doing it 50-50

i dnt like tom cruise
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  1. rubah's Avatar
    Just weigh your bags and compare to the net weight printed on the packaging.

    as for the lights, it's very common for stores in US to leave lights on all night. I'm not sure if it's a window shopping thing or a theft deterrant.