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rubah's Precious Little Life

Triple Triad IRL

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I found a stack of Triple Triad cards I had made a few years ago and taught my nephew how to play. He really likes it, I think.
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  1. Formalhaut's Avatar
    Wait, you made some Triple Triad cards? Show some pictures!
  2. Futan's Avatar
    Also would like to see pictures.
  3. rubah's Avatar
    They... they look just like triple triad cards. they're about the size of two postage stamps
  4. rubah's Avatar
    Well, anyway
  5. Futan's Avatar
    Spiffy. XD I'm assuming the white side is when they belong to the opponent?
  6. Formalhaut's Avatar
    Ooh.. really cool. I like it when electronic games are transferred board game style.

    if only we did this to Blitzball...