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More FFVII Adventuring!

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This adventure in Final Fantasy VII:

I went to the continent near Wutai. Yuffie stole my materia. I was quite upset. So we chased her around Wutai for a while, having an interesting conversation with an old man and a little kid (you don't know these people. They just barged into your house) and finally caught her. She apologized and brought me to where she said she was keeping the materia. She told me to pull the lever on the left, or right, I can't remember, but it doesn't matter! Because they were both traps. A smart person would have told her to pull the lever, but instead we are stuck with Cloud.

Also, we at some point ran into the Turks at the Inn. Still being awesome, and drunk, simultaneously. Elena tries to actually do her job properly (lame) and she is told basically to simmer down, they are on vacay. Elena eventually runs off on her own, and Reno says basically she needs to make her own mistakes. Then he and Rude resume their drinking.

Then who shows up? None other than Don Perverto. He kidnapps Yuffie AND Elena and we team up with the Turks to go and rescue them both. Reno talks to me some more. I swoon. Don asks me another multiple choice question, which once again I answer correctly, but still no prize . We head up to the mountains, still sans materia, but that's okay because I apparently have a crap ton of X-Potions. Elena and Yuffie are kinda tyed up, upside down, on the side of a cliff. Don does some hip thrusting. Vincent finally contributes something useful to a conversation. "I don't care about what you're doing, so much as the idiotic way you're doing it." Which made me giggle. I have boss fight and the Turks show up and assist him in falling off a cliff. We then part ways. I get my materia back, INCORRECTLY placed. More angryface.

I return to Wutai to fight some peoples who turn into monsters(?) randomly and I eventually win the Leviathan materia from Yuffie's dad. He is sad to see it part and won't stop going on about it.

Then it is time to head to that bone place. I head there and get another summon materia. Then I talk to people and am basically told to go to the Golden Saucer, where dreams go to die. I fight in the BATTLE ARENA! and win the Keystone. I try to leave because the Gold Saucer is a place of evil but I can't because maintenance hasn't been doing their job. Then we go to a hotel where I rest for the night. I am approached in the night for my date by ... ... ... ... ... ... Aeris . At this point I swear and pout and say I dun want to play anymore and turn off the game and nap. I don't play again for several days.

I eventually come back and she pushes me out of the room, forcing me to date her. We first go see a play, but wind up in the play and it is actually quite fun. I kiss the dragon and she turns out to be a beautiful woman and we all twirl happily off of the stage. The Aeris has to make things about her and stand on the stage and pout. Then we go on some ride that brings me on a tour of the saucer and I don't pay attention much because I was busy having a real, interesting conversation with my boyfriend instead.

Cait Sith eventually shows up and steals the keystone and gives it to the Shinra. Cait Sith, the weird robot fortune teller cat thing on top of a giant moogle looking creature with a zipper in its back is a spy!? I am all kinds of shocked. He then blackmails me when we find out he still wants to travel us and is holding Marlene hostage. He then leaves. We are not currently on speaking terms, Cait Sith and I. I go back to the Inn and sleeps. Now I am forced to have Aeris in my part as we head to Ancientsburg and I am upset because once we got to the Gold Saucer I just took off all of her materia and distributed it to characters who aren't going to die, and now she's got nothing but I have to use her and I just...ugh.

That concludes this adventure in Final Fantasy VII!
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  1. Raistlin's Avatar
    How, as a fellow Aerith hater, did you end up with her as your date? I've never failed to get Tifa if I wanted to.
  2. Pumpkin's Avatar
    I'm obsessd with building my characters up to certain levels at certain points, and that unfortunately included having her in my party for several events. I would build her up less, but still want her at the same level, so I put her in my party for the main story so that I didn't have to go out of my way to use her more. I apparently forgot about this part of it .
  3. Formalhaut's Avatar
    Damn I swear I've forgotten about this amazing Let's Play.

    I really enjoyed the Wutai quest. It was a last bit of real fun before the endgame of Disc One.
  4. Pumpkin's Avatar
    Today/Yesterday on Final Fantasy VII

    We went to the Temple of the Ancients, quickly, so that I was no longer required to use Aeris. It was some pyramid looking thing and the place was pretty odd. It involved a lot of stairs and some jumping purple guys. Sephiroth and Tseng were there. Sephiroth slashed Tseng. Sephiroth caused epileptic seasures with his flashing. There were at times several Sephiroths. Aeris laid on the ground and talked to hersel.... I mean the planet or the ancients or something, a lot. I got some good materia.

    We came up to a room where purple guy would hop in and out of doorways and you had to stop him as he was coming out. After several minutes of stupidity, my boyfriend and I finally figured out to just leave and come back because he always starts by coming in and going out of the same doorway. There was a boss fight with some creature coming out of the wall. Weirdo. As you can see, me explaining this part is rushed because now that it's over, I can't seem to piece it back together in my brain.

    Eventually, at some point, we arrive in a room with mini-pyramid, and we learn that it is THE BLACK MATERIA capable of summoning meteor, which is much less deadly in other Final Fantasy games. We learn that someone must solve puzzles from the inside to turn it into the black materia, but as a result they will be crushed. Cait Sith selflessly volunteers himself. He tells us our fortune one last time, and Aeris actually has a social interaction that I enjoy and approve of. There is a touching moment as he heads to the mini pyramid as we escape. He trips and falls and gets back up and it is touching. It touches my heart. And then he dies . Sort of. The pyramid becomes the black materia and Sephiroth appears once more. Cloud goes weirdo and brings the black materia to Sephiroth. Cait Sith returns and I cry tears of joy. Okay, I didn't actually cry, but my eyes did sting.

    I don't entirely remember what happens next because Cait Sith () but I can tell you that Cloud starts dreaming about Aeris in the sleeping forest and it is very dream like in the sense that she disappears and reappears randomly throughout the dream. I wake up in Gongaga. Cloud talks about how we have to go to Aeris. So we go to Aeris.

    We go back to Bonesburg and find the harp thing to awaken the sleeping forest and head to the lost city. The place is pretty but still creepy looking. I arrive finally and the place is also pretty but creepy looking. The houses look like seashells. I finally find Aeris, who appears to be praying and after almost stabbing her (almost), Spehiroth does it for me. Pretty sure she's dead. The materia falls out of her hair and into the water. Cloud gets quite upset and tells Sephiroth to stop talking about becoming one with the planet or whatever it was he was talking about and talks about how we will never again hear Aeris talk or be sad or angry etc. Sephiroth tells Cloud he has no feelings because he's....

    BOSS FIGHT. He's a puppet, says Jenova. Aeris is dead in the corner and Tifa runs off crying and Cait Sith does a dance and shuffles off. Cloud picks up Aeris and we bring her outside and he lets her go into the water. Cloud says it's time to go after Sephiroth, north past the mountains, so we do so.

    And I will stop here because this is getting long. And that concludes today's adventures in FFVII!
  5. Citizen Bleys's Avatar
    I don't understand how you can possibly like Cait Sith. I don't think I've ever used him on purpose.
  6. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    Cait Sith is a bastard, but Tseng is sorta cool. Also, when he tells your fortune he does the Cait Sith Shuffle, which is the coolest dance.
  7. Raistlin's Avatar
    I kind of like Cait Sith as a character, though I never used him in battle.