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Adveture: FFVII Style

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So when we last left our hero's, they were heading for the mountains. So head for the mountains they did! It was very cold, and icy and snowy. made me miss the snow. Anyways, I found Prof. Aeris-dad's house and watched some video's of he and Aeris' mother, who was an Ancient. She talked about how the world was wounded by Jenova and how the Ancient's tried to save the planet. She also talked about how the planet created a 'weapon'. The last video is of Hojo coming in and trying to get to Aeris and her mother, who manage to get away.

After that, some soldiers show up, we fight, and then I go snowboarding. We finally arrive at the bottom of the mountain (anyone else want to build a chocobo snowman?) and then i have to find my way around the maze of paths. I get to a house and stay the night before continuing on my journey. Then i have to do some mountain climbing without freezing to death.

After other such happenings, I arrive at the North Giant Hole In The Ground and proceed in. Barret is given strict directions to guard the Black Materia. Sephiroth does some messing around with Cloud's head and we are back in Nibelhelm, where we find out that it was not Cloud in that picture with Tifa and Sephiroth, but someone with even worse hair. Cloud says none of this is true, its just an illusion and Sephiroth tells him he's a Sephiroth clone made by Hojo, and a failure at that. Anyways, Sephiroth manages to get Cloud to get the Black Materia from Barret, and Cloud then climbs up the weird Materia tree looking thing and gives it to Sephiroth, who only has an upper body. Hojo and company show up and hojo makes some not very nice comments. the weapon's appear and start flying off.

The Shinra Airship appears and rescues everybody, and then we fid out we are to be executed. Cloud is MIA. Tifa is sad. We find out they are going to be executed because Weapon has been running amok and they need someone to blame, so they will host the execution, live. We find out Tifa had been in a 7-day coma. We are lead to the execution room, and although Barret insists that he go first, Scarlett grabs Tifa and locks her into a chair and turns on the gas. She also slaps her. Well weapon appears (Junon) and Rufus and the fat man attempt to fight it off using the giant cannon at Junon. The canon at first has very little affect and the massive weapon gets closer and closer to Junon. Eventually the canon seems to have an effect when being shot directly into Weapon's mouth. In the commotion, Cait Sith and Barret attempt to come up with a way to rescue Tifa. Tifa herself manages to get the key and unlock herself, and escape, followed by Scarlett and some soldiers perusing her. Tifa runs off to the end of the cannon, and a bitch-slap fight occurs. the Highwind then appears, piloted by Cid and Tifa is rescued. We fly off to go find Cloud, because they won't let us do much in the way of side quests until we do.

We arrive in Madeel, a pretty town, wouldn't mind living there, and some crazy lady is trying to buy out all of the stores. Anywho, we find Cloud at the clinic, in a wheelchair and he is basically a vegetable. Tifa is heartbroken and says she is going to stay to take care of Cloud. Barret then decided that Cid is going to be the new leader. Cid walks like he has a stick up his butt.

So now we find out we have to stop the Shinra from getting the huge materia. We instead decide to get it ourselves. first stop in Corel, where Cid somewhat drives a train. our train gets out of control but we still manage to stop it before it hits North Corel. Thankfully, those poor people barely have anything as it is. Except Ultima, apparently, which has been hiding out in a well. Next stop is fort Condor and after a fight with a lot of funny looking mini-people, we stop the Shinra force. Then sadly, mama condor dies , but baby is born and so is the Phoenix materia. Cid then decides it is time to go visit Cloud and Tifa.

And that is where i will stop this segment of Adventures in Final Fantasy land!
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  1. Citizen Bleys's Avatar
    we find out that it was not Cloud in that picture with Tifa and Sephiroth, but someone with even worse hair.
  2. Raistlin's Avatar
    Cid's running is hilarious. It's probably the best part of the whole game.
  3. Pumpkin's Avatar
    Today in Final Fantasy VII:

    Cidric brought us to Mideel to check in on Cloud and Tifa. Cloud didn't seem to be making any progress, and Tifa was getting very tired. While I was at the hospital visiting, the ground started shaking and apparently the life stream was acting up. Cloud yelled something about They're coming!! We went outside to check on events and who shoul we see? Ultimate Weapon! We fought with him, and he was strangely much much smaller than he was in the cut scenes. I got in a few hits and then Cid got his Limit and then Weapon decided it was time for him to leave (jerk.) Everyone started to gtfo and Tifa started wheeling Cloud out of town. On her way out, the town started sinking, and eventually her and Cloud fell into the lifestream.

    Tifa is awoken in subconscious? And in it, there are too many Clouds (one is more than enough). Tifa approaches Cloud number one, and we are brought back to Nibelhelm. We learn stuff that really happened. Like, Cloud really was at Nibelhelm, but he was one of the soldiers (the one who stopped Tifa from entering the Mako Reactor). He never made it into SOLDIER. We find out that it was Zack who went after Sephiroth in the reactor, and came flying out a few seconds later. Cloud came in and moved Tifa aside. He kept his promise to go to her when she was in trouble. He went in and saw Sephiroth in front of Jenova and stabbed him. Later, Sephiroth is seen exiting with the Jenova head. Cloud goes out to challenge Sephiroth and Sephiroth says something like, don't push your luck, and stabs Cloud in what I think is the shoulder. Cloud then lifts Sephiroth by the sword and tosses him into the lifestream.

    Other memories are seen, like how Cloud always wanted Tifa's attention when they were kids, but Tifa usually ignored him. They apparently weren't all that close. She hung out with some other boys. Tifa went out to the mountains after her mother died and Cloud tried to rescue her, but it didn't work out well. He asked Tifa to meet him that starry night and told her he would become famous like Sephiroth. Anyways, long story short, Final Fantasy VII: Cloud's Identity Crisis. They wake up and everyone is waiting around for him and Tifa. Cloud is conveniently no longer a vegetable. We go back on the highwind and Cloud explains what happened and his plans from here on out.

    We head over to Junon, to the underwater reactor and get a submarine. There was a boss fight that I read was supposed to be challenging, but it was one of the easiest ones, so I dunno? So we get a submarine, take some enthusiastic prisoners, and my boyfriend fires some missiles, because I can't be bothered with this. I go to an underwater airplane and fight the awesomesauce Turks (Rude is apparently incredibly slow, because I got like 3 rounds in and he didn't attack me once) and got some cool weapons and materia and such.

    Then I went to a waterfall with Vincent and saw Sephiroth's mother/his girlfriend, who asks if Sephiroth is dead. Vincent says yes. There are a series of flashbacks of Vincent with his emo hair when he was in the Turks. He was shot and experimented on. He has the worst flashbacks, they don't follow very well, and only some of them actually have dialogue.

    We also went to the Golden Evil to get Cloud's Omnislash from the BATTLE ARENA! My boyfriend did the mini games, because those games make me want to stab someone, and then he also did the BATTLE ARENA! because he says that is man work. I also am attempting to get the Midgar key from Bone Village, but am failing.

    And that concludes today's adventures in FFVII land!
  4. Raistlin's Avatar
    If you want more flashbacks, I believe you're at the point where you can access one in the basement of the Nibelheim mansion about Cloud and Zack. It may just be disc 3, though; I forget exactly.