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Date Night: the encore

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Dinner and a movie earlier this evening was quite nice. Got together with Morgan, sat down, and saw Iron Man 3. I could have a whole debate of sorts regarding the movie, but I rather enjoyed it. The teasers and trailers showed a lot of action but it was actually spread out quite nicely. Loved the pacing. Fantastic movie. Good little dialogue sequence leading into the credits, and of course, the post-credit teaser.

So this all came up yesterday when I randomly asked her if she'd seen Iron Man 3 yet, and if she'd want to see it after her last exam today. I honestly didn't expect her to say yes because I figured she'd be working, so that was a delightful surprise. After the movie, she asked me if I would see The Great Gatsby with her - so we're going to a launch showing tomorrow night. We bought the tickets on the way out of the theatre tonight. That was certainly unexpected; not only to head out two nights in a row, but for her to make the move on the encore. Not complaining!

It's such a mixed bag of feelings, though. I'm quite fond of her, and she's gorgeous, so that's a sweet little bonus on the side. The girl is all over the place, all the time. She's a fountain of fun, but I know she doesn't want to start anything serious because she might be moving to another campus in the fall. I don't really want to mess with distance either, not that we've even had any conversations about us "dating" or anything with labels. I'm perfectly fine with just spending more time together this summer like we did last summer. If she stays, awesome, maybe we'll see where it goes. If she leaves, no harm done.
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Personal Life , Film & Television


  1. LocoColt04's Avatar
    As an aside, and likely of more interest to you guys:

    Gatsby was thoroughly enjoyable.