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Updated 08-05-2015 at 06:02 AM by Yeargdribble

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  1. kotora's Avatar
    Maybe they're bisexual? Maybe they actually prefer being secretly gay while still having a family that is considered normal? There's absolutely no reason to feel sad for people you know nothing about except for some tidbits from the past.
  2. Laddy's Avatar
    Part of me wants to think these guys are just less discriminating when coming to sex and still have happy relationships with their respective wives.

    But most of me realizes that this is more likely a case of social pressure being presses on people whom personal feelings have been repressed.

    God, the South sucks.
  3. Yeargdribble's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kotora
    Maybe they're bisexual? Maybe they actually prefer being secretly gay while still having a family that is considered normal? There's absolutely no reason to feel sad for people you know nothing about except for some tidbits from the past.
    I guess it's possible, but I find it unlikely, especially in Johnny's case. If you're bi, you don't come out as gay or bi. You get with a woman and avoid getting yourself threatened or beaten. Especially considering the types of crowed Johnny ran with, he nothing to gain by being temporarily out when he could've gone the easy route of just being with women. This, and knowing his family, is why I'm fairly certain he got forced back in the closet.

    The other guy. Sure, maybe just a little bi-curious, but sometimes I think people underestimate what is on the line in a place like that for someone to be out at all. I just can't see anyone who was bi choosing to ever to even mess around with a same sex partner when they had an easy out.
  4. Formalhaut's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Laddy
    God, the South sucks.