Five EoFFers and Five Things I Wish They Blogged About
, 10-24-2010 at 07:57 AM (7227 Views)
1. Miriel: In-depth food recipes for Mexican and Korean cuisine.
2. Rocket Edge : Bob Ross-like how-to vlogs, or blogs about painting and illustrating.
3. I'm My Own MILF: Drunk blogs. Blogs where he only makes when he's completely piss faced.
4. Levian: The many faces of Levian. Picture blog of Levian making a different face (preferably a ghetto one) for each day of the year. Starting from day 1 and continuing onward the whole 365 days. Just because.
5. Pscyhotic: Video game conquers -- basically just picture blogs featuring screencaps from his Xbox Live activity complete with witty commentary.