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Movin' to mah house.

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So, on Sunday I finally get to move into my house. I'm super excited to be on my own, but I'm afraid I'm going to become more of a hermit than I already am.

Also, I haven't even moved in yet and the guy across the street told me to stay away from his daughter.

Edit: also, I'm potentially looking for someone to lease the spare bedroom out to.

Updated 09-27-2013 at 08:29 PM by Hollycat

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  1. Slothy's Avatar
    Why would anyone be afraid of becoming more of a hermit? That's like Pike's goal in life.
  2. Hollycat's Avatar
    Because currently my only contact with anyone my age is with the girl I buy gyros from.
  3. Shorty's Avatar
    Buying a house is a huge deal, especially for young folks! Congratulations, dude. Round up a bunch of youths to throw a party with.
  4. krissy's Avatar
    Hypo join a frisbee league
    or a softball league
    and nice one on having a place i guess
    join couch surfing
    lots of friends that way and new ones a lot coming thru town
  5. kotora's Avatar
    If you're gonna be a total shut-in, at least make up for it by using that isolation and time to develop awesome skills at like, writing or painting or playing guitar. Don't waste it on playing vidya or jerking off to hentai.
  6. Shaibana's Avatar
    i think joining some sort of team-sport would make it much easyer to get some social contacts in your new neighbourhood, as Krissy suggested
  7. Hollycat's Avatar
    living by yourself is boring after about five minutes.
  8. Tigmafuzz's Avatar
    Pfft, more like 4 minutes and 17 seconds.

    Am I right?

    AM I RIGHT?!

    Updated 10-02-2013 at 11:28 PM by Hollycat