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Now I Know Where I Stand.

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I talked to my mom today and she told me that she came to Nashville, stayed with my sister, then went on to the garage/property she & my dad still own in my hometown to get more stuff and clean it out.

She told me not to get mad or upset about it, and I didn't.... Not on the phone with her anyway.

But it really upsets me that she didn't say anything. I could have gone with her to help. We all could have met somewhere for dinner.

I'm the only one of my siblings that calls on a regular basis. I'm the only one that would even consider moving back in with them.

And the fact that she just -didn't- say anything to me at all.... Really hurts. I thought she & I were closer than that.

But I guess I should've realized that we weren't when she admitted that she was against me going back to Texas with her and my Dad.

Yay for having no family! Yay!!!!!
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  1. Loony BoB's Avatar
    You have family - you even made it yourself.