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Lonely Single Viera's memorable Memoirs Issue #3

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Breakfast today was coffee.
I drink it with hazelnut creamer.

But I can't afford hazelnut creamer

Spent 4 hours at work today organizing a stack of hundreds of business cards.

Then I had mashed potatoes for lunch.

After work I went to the store to buy some poptarts.

I also bought a bag of pretzels.
I love pretzels.

For dinner I had Borscht.
I'm just pulling your leg I don't even know what that is.

Then I played Apollo Justice.
Then I typed this.

End of the 3rd day, 72 hours have passed.
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  1. Jinx's Avatar
    You can buy all of these groceries, but not creamer?

    What kind of poptarts did you get this time?
  2. Hollycat's Avatar
    Someone else bought me lunch today. I was originally going to have the spaghetti leftovers from when I ate with my family on Monday.

    This time I got blueberry poptarts, because they were blue like my jeans.
  3. Shaibana's Avatar
    so.. what did you have for dinner?
    Updated 10-10-2013 at 07:52 PM by Shaibana
  4. Tigmafuzz's Avatar
    lonely single viera

    single female lawyer

    I'm sensing a pattern

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaibana
    so.. what did you habe for dinner?
    he really did habe borscht, he just didn't know that's what it was, because he doesn't know what borscht is.
  5. Shaibana's Avatar
    so what is it? :o
  6. Tigmafuzz's Avatar
    the souls of children

    children from ohio

    with cheese
  7. Shaibana's Avatar
    sounds nice.. i like cheese
  8. Hollycat's Avatar
    For dinner I had a cup of orange juice, a microwave dinner (stroganoff) and a chocolate bar.
  9. Tigmafuzz's Avatar
    chocolate souls bar
  10. Hollycat's Avatar
    Actually the chocolate bar was just a chocolate bar. The microwave dinner was Soulganoff brand though. Twice the amount of souls as the leading brand.
  11. Tigmafuzz's Avatar
    if it has twice the amount of the leading brand, then that makes it the leading brand

    it can't have twice the amount of itself

    how the smurf do souls work
  12. Hollycat's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tigmafuzz
    if it has twice the amount of the leading brand, then that makes it the leading brand

    it can't have twice the amount of itself

    how the smurf do souls work
    With Magnets, microwaves, and non dairy powdered creamer.
  13. Shorty's Avatar
    I legitimately laughed at the borscht business xD