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Lonely Single Sith Lord's memorable memoirs Episode 4: A New Poptart

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I had cherry poptarts for breakfast.

A client swore up and down she had a good credit score, so I spent 6 hours working for her. Get a call from the bank, client's credit score is so low they had to get shovels to find it.

Saw a family of dead skunks by the side of the road. Poor skunks.

For Lunch I had popeye's spicy chicken. It wasn't even spicy

Put my old Yugioh cards on Ebay. I will miss you, Dark Paladin.

Finished unpacking. The movers lost two of my issues of Shonen Jump. RAGE. infinite rage. More than 7 rage.

Dinner tonight was cherry poptarts and a hamburger patty. If I were intellegent I would have put the patty between the poptarts and made a tartburger.

Watched Game of thrones. Unexpected weenies. That is all.

Updated 10-22-2013 at 01:58 AM by Hollycat

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  1. Tigmafuzz's Avatar
    Poor skunks

    On our last road trip (wasn't even really a road trip, we just went to Lubbock) we passed a dead goat. Since I always keep a shovel in the trunk, we stopped and I gave it a nice little grave.

    How did the movers lose only two issues? Were they moving them each individually?
  2. Hollycat's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tigmafuzz
    Poor skunks

    On our last road trip (wasn't even really a road trip, we just went to Lubbock) we passed a dead goat. Since I always keep a shovel in the trunk, we stopped and I gave it a nice little grave.

    How did the movers lose only two issues? Were they moving them each individually?
    The box flew open because they didn't tape it shut.
  3. Shorty's Avatar
    Poor skunks! Poor family of skunks Were there babies, too?
  4. Del Murder's Avatar
    Weenies in GoT should always be expected.