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Final Fantasy - Adventures of Super Cute Sprite Party!

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Elizabeth makes a party of four super cute sprites. A Monk, a warrior, a white mage and a black mage.

The party goes into town after talking to the king and buys some weapons and talks to random strangers who are also super cute sprites.

Travels outside into the forests become dangerous as the party of cute sprites get attacked by a party of not so cute sprite goblins. Cute sprites win battle with not so cute sprites and venture on through fields and beyond mountains.

Cute sprite party fights dogs and more goblins and a crazy horse sprite to get more experience and invisible money that might more might not be square shaped.

Cute sprite party goes back to castle town to ZZZ in a inn and try to make it to the little temple of chaos.

Inside the temple cute sprite party beats ugly sprite boss in battle and saves the sprite princess!

So so cute sprite guys make bridge with hammer in record time and celebrate with adorable dance or cheer. Cheer dance!

Sprite party is curious and goes back to chaos temple to search rooms and finds a leather hat and other goodies. Sprite party puzzled by locked door and decides to stay the night or day at the inn. DAY NIGHT!
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  1. Lone Wolf Leonhart's Avatar
    Sounds like quite the adventure is going on! It's a cute story