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Final Fantasy 7 Gondola date night crash

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So I've been playing ff7 for about a week and a bit now and I'm still on disc 1. I'm up to the part where you go on a date with Aeris during the second visit to gold saucer. Every time i get up to the part on the Gondola ride it just bails during the cut scene where the fireworks are going off and i cant seem to get past it. I'm playing the original ps1 version on a ps2 slim and i really want to at least get past this point because It's doing my head in I've tried many things but none of them seem to work, so please let me know if you have ANY solutions to this problem at all, i would really appreciate it, thanks!


  1. CarvingUp360's Avatar
    Btw what i mean by bail is it keeps freezing up, or their will be no dialogue. Just the music, and a black background and it wont proceed after that, please if anyone has a solution to any of this let me know :c
  2. Carl the Llama's Avatar
    Its not widely known, but the entire game is on every disk. So to get around this problem, simply slip in another disk, be warned though you will get an fmv from whichever disk you have in so if you haven't completed the game you might see some spoilers.
  3. CarvingUp360's Avatar
    I've tried that before but nothing even happened, and it cant be a disc problem because i just got all 3 discs resurfaced, I'll try it again though. Do i need to slip in the disc at a certain point like before or after it freezes? I might have done it wrong
  4. CarvingUp360's Avatar
    Okay well i just fixed it, thank you!
  5. Carl the Llama's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by CarvingUp360
    Okay well i just fixed it, thank you!
    How did you manage to get it fixed? Was it with the disk swapping? Also, to answer your previous question, you should slip the disk in any time during the date but BEFORE the glitch happens.
  6. CarvingUp360's Avatar
    Yeah i just swapped to disc 2 right before the glitch, it would only happen during one of the cut scenes though which is kinda strange..