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Razors are bad, m'kay?

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This happened.

I was processing the Field Destroy at work (damaged items that have a value too low for refurbishment to be worthwhile, so we break them and toss them) and I was slicing up discs with a razor as I'm often known to do. Every once in a while I'll catch a little skin here and there, but it's super rare and never serious when I do.

Until today, when apparently I decided to miss one disc entirely and just slice a quarter inch into my thumb at an angle just right that severed the princeps pollicis and caused me to bleed out for a little over half an hour. I used half a roll of gauze between the first time I wrapped it and the third time I wrapped it. That was a lot of blood. Like, anime-style squirting everywhere for the first fifteen seconds or so.

It was kinda cool.


Fortunately, I don't really need the left thumb while typing, so I can at least manage this to some extent.
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  1. Jiro's Avatar
    please don't die from a thumb wound, it has to be one of the least impressive ways to go and you deserve better than that
  2. Slothy's Avatar
    I might have to disagree Jiro. Dying from a thumb wound is the sort of thing no one will ever forget and everyone will talk about for quite a while.

    I haven't drawn a lot of blood myself, but when I'm working with miniatures and cutting away flashing and stuff with my hobby knife I have cut myself several times. One time I managed to avoid a deep cut straight down the tip of my index finger because my finger nail took most of it. Cutting your finger nail a few millimeters down the middle isn't really that fun either though.
  3. Pumpkin's Avatar
    I don't know why, but when I was skimming the page, I read this as "I'm gay, m'kay?" and I was going to congratulate you, mostly on your blog title.

    I'm really sorry about your thumb :<. I hope you feel better soon!
  4. Freya's Avatar
    Ugh i'm sorry! Why aren't you ninja staring those disc against a brick wall? that's what we did, so much more fun.

    Be careful and treat the wound well, you don't want it getting infected.
  5. Shaibana's Avatar
    just reading this hurts my hand
  6. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Jiro - comment of the year.

    Vivi22 - I've cracked and broken nails, but never actually cut through one. I get super squeamish with regards to my fingernails... I've ripped my leg open wide enough to see through muscle and bone to the skin on the other side, but if I scrape my nail the wrong way I cry like a little girl. Don't know what that's all about, but I can't imagine that was comfortable for you.

    shion - oh.

    Freya - There were far too many for entertainment, especially in December. I was in high-pace score-everything mode. I was making great time through the stack, too.

    Shaibana - You suffer sympathy pains as well?! Oh no!

    Then you probably all don't really want to know that I busted it back open Saturday morning and ripped it even moreso. Two destroyed towels, a hospital trip, and a pint and a half of blood loss later, I was ready to go home and get ready for work. -_-