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Death is on my mind and its not leaving.

ive been unemployed for a good 2 months now giving me too much time to think and too less distraction.

some night 2 weeks ago i came to the subject Death.
realising that 1 day i will die and there is nothing I can do about it.
it scared me so much that i had a little panic attack and since that day i cant stop thinking about it.
at night, when im already more emotional then during the day, i can cry about it

everytime i see something related to death (even in movies) it creeps into my mind again.

it also made me realise that i dont want to work myself into a grave.
40 hours a week? cmon.. there is more in life to do then working :S

it also made me realise that one day i will be forgotten, im just saying: do you know your grandmothers mother?
i want to leave a mark on this planet, but i have no idea how and i dont think i will.

if i dont get some distraction soon i swear ill get into a depression or something :S

p.s this is my 100th post
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  1. kotora's Avatar
    If you wanna make a lasting mark on the planet, your options are to either get into science, art or politics. Take up something that interests you and give it everything you can. smurf doing office jobs or other semi-skilled labor you don't want.
    Choose something and get started. As you said, we're all gonna die someday, so our time is limited. Get started on something you can put all your energy in.
  2. Sephiroth's Avatar
    I always think about death but it is nothing to avoid and so you just should not think about it in a negative way. The only real fear of death is the fear of possible non-existence but actually even if that is true - when the time has come and there is really no afterlife you don't need to be afraid about it anymore. There is no necessity in thinking about it, just always life your life with you hopes high.

    Also there is nothing to regret in your life if you live it how you want. Is there really anything more we need? I think not. The world is as it is is like that because of what has lived on it. The world is proof of your existence, don't focus on such things, they can get really depressing if you just think about the negative things. Think about the good things in life.
  3. Minami's Avatar
    I've been thinking about death a lot too and makes me nervous to have children as i don't want to die and leave them grieving.

    Sometimes i'm scared to go to sleep in case i don't wake up again