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dont underestimate Granny!

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my dad is retired (at the age of 55 :l)
and now he takes Badminton lessons.
i like that idea so he took me with him in the morning. in the morning there are 2 hours where you can just come and play some badminton if you are a member.

it was just 1 big grey carpet xD as a 20 year old i felt like a baby between all those 55+ :P
yeah well.. everybody else has to work or go too school

im not very socialy skilled so i was afraid that i would end up 'alone'
but those ppl are soooo nice we nearly entered the gymhall or someone allready aproached us to make some small talk .

after that my dad and i started playing and after a minute or 20 an elderly couple challenged us for a double match, and giving me some advice on how to play etc

But dont underestemate those old people becaus they have nasty strikes and they really made me run!

tonight im starting with Badminton lessens too
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  1. Jiro's Avatar
    old people are great, they are nearly always super friendly