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Irrational fear

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My son is basically the same age my brother was when he died. I've been having bad dreams about something bad happening lately and it is scaring me a little bit. Or a lot. More than it should.

I don't really know what else to say. I miss him and I'm scared something will happen to him and I'll never see him again or see him grow up and I feel so stuck. I can't seem to get my life straight so that I can take care of him properly. I feel like an awful person.

My mom tells me he is happy. I hope he is. I'll be going to visit in April.
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  1. Fynn's Avatar
    I can only imagine how hard it must be on you. Just try to stay positive Your son is safe with your mother, you can focus on organizing your own life and pretty soon I'm sure everything will be just fine. Keep on going, I know you can do it. I believe in you, and I know a lot of other people here do to. Also, you have Sharky with you, and that is always a huge help
  2. Pumpkin's Avatar
    Thank you Fynn! You're such a good person