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If I have to do this call one more time...

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I am going to scream and blow up the planet.

I was going to make a terse update but instead, I'll elaborate. A few weeks ago a few hundred (thousand? I can't tell any more) customers' bookmark urls got changed on them somehow - I am not sure how; my hypothesis doesn't stand up to scrutiny. So the only solution is to recreate the bookmark manually.

Now I made a post earlier in EoEo that I hate explaining whys to clients. Questions like 'when did this happen?' (the administrator would know; ask him/her) and 'why are we doing this' (because you called) really irks me. The particular conversation boils down to this:

client: when I log in, it doesn't work
pg: do you see a blank screen?
client: yes
pg: okay we need to set up a new bookmark. Navigate to... blah blah

The good customers listen
the bad customers ask me why they are doing this

I don't care if you don't understand. It means you don't understand what the client can't understand, which brings me back to point one where I want to scream.

The way I understand the conversation to go:

client: derp url broke
pg: here how fix
client: how do babby form?
pg: argh!
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  1. Jiro's Avatar
    Well? How do babby form?
  2. Hollycat's Avatar
    yes, I want to know about origin of babby 2
  3. Peegee's Avatar
    you guys are assmunches

    I started throwing things around during this call. The bloody client can't understand that if she cannot modify the payment batch prior to sending it, it means her only options is to delete it and start over, or send it ANYWAY then change the ONE payment (delete it) after sending it.

    I must've answered the same stupid question (but I don't want to delete it!) twenty times before I got her to accept that she has to send it, error and all, and modify it after.

    Christ, if this helpdesk didn't exist the economy would crash in a day
  4. Christmas's Avatar
    Just print a picture of your ass and show it to him!