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Things I learned by accident.

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It's really hard to get nacho cheese out of human hair.
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  1. Meat Puppet's Avatar
    Harder than it is to get human hair out of nacho cheese?

    Oh jeez, I think I was channeling just Rantzien. I really gotta spend more time sober
  2. Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
    Whenever I got anything stuck in my hair my mom would use mayonnaise! Gum was especially awful.
  3. Raistlin's Avatar
    Why did you have someone else's cheese in your hair?
  4. fire_of_avalon's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Raistlin
    Why did you have someone else's cheese in your hair?
    I have never wanted you more.
  5. Raistlin's Avatar
  6. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    I learned when you're debating the price of something at a yard sale with a black person, it is not wise to use the word "niggle". Even if it is a real word, and you didn't know why they were upset until they explained it to you.

    Things I learned as a kid. You can't take two slices of bread and a piece of cheese, put them in the toaster, and make a grilled cheese. It seemed like such a time saver when I was 8. I thought it was brilliant!
  7. rubah's Avatar
    why would you use niggle when you're haggling?
  8. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    Because they're pretty much interchangeable. It means to nit-pick over details in a negative way OR to slowly give or relinquish small amounts of something in a resentful way. So when you haggle, or niggle you always bicker over the little details and make offers and counter offers. Just go a flea market and listen.