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Rio de Emocion

payin' tha cost to be tha boss

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Tl;dr version: people are weird

My recent adventures into the social world of academic life have made me raise some questions about the futility of my intentions. Here I am, talking to all these students, trying to raise my own social status one step at a time. These people however, seemed pretty stupid. A few days ago, I was at one of these so-called "social drinks" of the faculty association (faculty of history, cultural and media sciences).

Although I've probably made a reasonably good impression on most of the people I've met for the first time there, I left pretty soon so I wouldn't screw things up. There was an incredibly high risk of finding common ground and running out of things to talk about with these people. It was pretty hard to find anything interesting to talk about, although there was one guy who worked in Beijing for a couple of years. I think that was the only halfway interesting person in there who actually seemed to know something about the world.

All of these students are supposed to invest hundreds of hours into studying history and culture and whatnot, yet all they have to talk about is their favourite football club or what place has nice but affordable pizzas? What the smurf? Why are their ambitions and longterm plans limited to what they're doing this weekend? Why don't they actually know anything about history and culture beyond the crap they've read in the few books that are on the required literature lists for their courses and why are they unable to deliver any form of critical thought?

All this nonsense makes me wish I was still studying for that MBA. At least them business school students only pretend to give somewhat of a about others and everybody knows it. It's a perfect world of social interaction because when everything people say is fake, it's easy to tell what's real. The business world is pretty straightforward. I've lost that advantage now.

Talking to these history and cultural sciences students confuses the smurf out of me. It's genuinely hard to tell which of these mothersmurfers are smart and which ones are truly retarded. I mean I've talked to a couple of guys who seemed to suffer from some major retardations, but at the end of the day, there doesn't seem to be much difference between them and the average person. It's kinda like regular society. I don't know why I'm trying to become king of these fools. Maybe that makes me the biggest retard of them all, kinda like those dictators around the world.

I should go back to studying economics and business or something. It's actually the only thing I find as interesting as military stuff. I don't like the current social world I'm trying to get on top of, but on the other hand it does pose a challenge, and I don't like to refuse a challenge like this. We'll see how it goes. Sure as hell beats sitting at home all day.

on a side note: why the hell is the spelling check thingie telling me almost every word is spelled incorrectly??!
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  1. Yeargdribble's Avatar
    The problem is the inflation of education. The market of people with bachelors degrees is super saturated. Having said degree is now nearly the equivalent to having a HS diploma a few decades back. It's nearly the baseline of education these days. As a result everyone feels that they natural thing to do at the end of HS is to go to college; sadly, there's little thought put into why.

    Now theoretically this would be a good thing, but it's not. It is in a university's best interests to churn as many degrees out as possible. So the larger the volume of students the more they have to lower their standards. HS never ends and a bachelors degree is just grade 13. All of these kids go and find a career path that is practical or either because it pays well or they suck least at it as a subject. Around me it seems that English teacher was the catch all for easiest degree that ends with a reasonably steady job. Nobody went into it because they love literature and want kids to learn. They go into it because they figure "I can already speak it, how hard can it be to teach it." They spend a lot of money a few years at school for a piece of paper that declares they are fit to teach it.

    These people find classes as something to simply endure. They just have to "make it through" the classes to get the degree. They don't actually actively pursue the degree. They don't realize that the classes are teaching them skills and knowledge that they need to apply later.

    tl;dr - People are apathetic about education. They are in college because they have to be as the new minimum of standard education. They don't earnestly care about these topics and haven't graduated from HS mentalities.
  2. kotora's Avatar
    I wouldn't have cared if it was just for their fields of study. These people just didn't seem to care about anything beyond their stupid part-time jobs, friends and passing the next round of exams. That's what I liked about business school, despite everyone there being total douches. At least they were interested in getting done.
  3. Jiro's Avatar
    Probably why I look forward to class and hate exams. I don't want to be tested on this , I just want you to tell me more. I'll figure out if I'm good or bad at it on my own.

    EDIT: And why, even though I'm not great at them, I still prefer essays. At least you have to have an opinion there, rather than tick the right box.