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rubah's Precious Little Life

Internolstagia <3

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Someone got me thinking about the old sites I used to go to online, which are long deceased, so I googled them, found a livejournal community for Talk City, and a facebook group for magichogwarts. I never really connected to people at TC, but MH made a biiiiig impact in my life-- first boyfriend (internet or otherwise), first meet-up, the first people online I really got to know well, etc. I was so happy to find it, even though it was just a few people, because they were people I hadn't heard from in a long time!
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  1. Yeargdribble's Avatar
    I used to be really involved with Xanga during my FFXI days, but that's not even that far back.

    Hell, I remember when Lycos was the best place to chat, Alta Vista was still the site I went to for translations and Hotbot was the best search engine. I used to be really involved with FF:WA, which is a relative ghost town now. I used to always be attached to AIM, but haven't used it in years (or any other messenger for that matter).

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and there was a game website that used to be my primary source and I don't remember what it was. All I remember was that they announced closing their doors on April 1st and went from up and thriving to completely gone. I loaded that page for about two more months still think it had to be an April Fools joke, but apparently it wasn't.
    Updated 03-11-2011 at 06:19 AM by Yeargdribble
  2. Jiro's Avatar
    I can't think of anywhere I've been that's died except like, I dunno, Myspace, and that still actually exists. I get the nostalgia fest on about ol' Runescape though. I remember when it was the classic version :')
  3. Loony BoB's Avatar
    I do this every now and then. I was browsing my files the other day and found a copy of edc's technicolour nightmare.
  4. Heath's Avatar
    I did this myself the other day actually. I even logged into my LJ for the first time in ages, funny how very few of my LJ friends (most I've not spoken to for years!) don't use it any more.