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Have you begun to ignore the blogs here on EoFF?

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Eyes on Final Fantasy


  1. Psychotic's Avatar
    No. There's hardly any new ones being made though.
  2. kotora's Avatar
    don't worry psy I'll find something to bitch about soon enough
  3. Jiro's Avatar
    I read blogs and comment occasionally. However I refuse to make them
  4. Agent Proto's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic
    No. There's hardly any new ones being made though.
    A rather good point, Psy. If now only there were more new ones being made, blogs would be harder to ignore.
  5. Jiro's Avatar
    I'm not making any
  6. Freya's Avatar
    I read every blog EVERY BLOG. I have that side thing that shows stuff open all the time.
  7. NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
    I pretty much ignored them from the beginning.

    Occasionally I'll check the blogs and read whichever ones sound interested.
  8. Loony BoB's Avatar
    I read them less lately, but I read the forums in general less over the past month due to how busy work has been. But blogs will become even more impotant to EoFF in the future.
  9. Remon's Avatar
    I read them all .
  10. Jiro's Avatar
    BoB loves his riddles and hints, I love them too!
  11. escobert's Avatar
    Depends. sometimes I read them sometimes I don't!
  12. Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
    Nope. I stopped making them though. If I make too long of a post, no one can even see it 'cause of my note xD
  13. Hollycat's Avatar
    A little, but I would be more into them if something fun happened