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Too good to be true

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I just found FF7 at a second hand store, regular nonplatinum pal edition for $5. I keep expecting to find something wrong with it but it seems legit, though the case has a few cracks.

Did the price of physical FF games fall since their release on psn or am I just extremely lucky?
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  1. I Don't Need A Name's Avatar
    You're freaking lucky. I saw a platinum edition of VIII for £25. VII I would expect to be much more expensive..
  2. Loony BoB's Avatar
    When all else fails, compare the price on eBay to find out whether it's good value or not. But $5 sound extremely cheap and I'd say you just got yourself a very, very good deal. I think £10 is more realistic value given how many copies were made.
  3. Jiro's Avatar
    Not if you live here. The price is $120
  4. Loony BoB's Avatar
    Mental note: Before going back to NZ, buy many copies of FFVII on eBay and resell to Australians.
  5. blackmage_nuke's Avatar
    It wasnt a game shop or anything, just a second hand store like cash convertors, I dont think they knew the value of what they were selling.
  6. Hollycat's Avatar
    cheapest ive ever seen is $50
  7. rubah's Avatar
    £10 would've been reasonable back before Advent Children came out.
  8. Loony BoB's Avatar
    Checked now that I'm at home. Cheapest sale on eBay going by the completed listings is £2.99, most expensive £27.49 (opened game) / £30.55 (new). Averages around £15 or so. $5 being around £3, you got a great deal.
  9. Shaibana's Avatar
    Bought it @ psn o for 9,99 euros
  10. -JJ-'s Avatar
    I was after FFVI for PS, so I asked the staff at Gamestation if they had any Final Fantasy games that were pre-ps2, and she said when they do get pre-ps2 ones in, they sell them for £5, which surprised me.
    Still I got my FFVII from infamous Ebay for 18 quid, original, works 100% ^.^
  11. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    That whole price thing is why I don't sell my old games, and why some of them I have to play on a modded Xbox. There's no smurfing way I'm going to pay $80 for a used copy of Super Mario RPG. Don't even ask how much a new in the box copy can run you.